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Our story

On March 29, 1926 in Patras Association was founded under the name commission agents CLUB of Patras and was written in the book of recognized unions with asc. number 294 under No. 1213 of August 6, 1926 decision of the Court of Patras.


On February 19, 1945 renamed COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES ADA, and the amended statute was approved by No. 417/1945 judgment of Patras.


On 14 December 1971 it was renamed to Association of Commercial Agents OF PATRAS S.A, and the amended Constitution was approved by No. 248/1972 judgment of Patras.


On April 21, 1985 became a new amendment to our Constitution.


On August 3, 1989 a new amendment of the Constitution under the name “ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT COMMERCIAL AGENTS OF WESTERN GREECE” and was approved by 528/96 decision of the First Instance Court of Patras on 23 August 1996.


In 2009 after the latest amendment renamed “TRADE ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRIBUTORS WESTERN GREECE – PELOPONNESUS – EPIRUS AND IONIAN ISLANDS” as It is until today. This was done in an effort to include the distributors in the region, but also to expand geographically in referred to title areas, where there are no similar organizations.


In 1926 the Contemporary fellow historians thought that the organized and principled unionism could even partially protect their interests and with human earnings its living conditions


During the period that followed historical events occurred. I think it is inopportune to refer to them in detail. What should we do now as a tribute to these people, it is the continuation of their work, in order to complete their goals.


The first founding text of the first Meeting on 29th March 1926, signed by then agent Patron:


Dion. Arsenis, Nick. Anagnostopoulos, G. arrogant, Fotis Anagnostopoulos, D. Georgiadis, M. Gkiolnti, Al. Dimadis B. Zissimopoulos, P. Zisimatos, A Theodosius, K. Theodorou, M. Messinezis, K. Raftopoulos, H. Charalambous, J. Nikas, N. Papanagopoulos J. Patsaider, Papageorgiou, K. Papaschinas, D . Razis Skourtelis J., C. Papathanassiou and A. Psonopoulos.


Unanimously elected provisional President Mr. K. Theodorou, Vice President Mr. A Dimadi, Secretary, Mr. B. Zissimopoulos and Messrs. Papaschinas K., Charalambous E, Dion. Rhazes and C. Papathanasiou.


The committee for the establishment of the First Statute of its Association agent framing Arsenis D., K. Papaschinas, C. . Papathanassiou and B. Zissimopoulos.


The 2nd Meeting of 19 January 1927 attended by 38 new members of the Association and elect for the position of President Al. Dimadi, Vice. the gentlemans  Dion. Arseni, General Secretary V. Zissimopoulos Consultants Razis D., K. Galatsi, A and A. Katris Sinigalias.


With the new draft law in February 1933 the Trade Representatives guarantee the licensing profession. At the Committee of Athens for issuing licenses was included and a member of the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Patras.


At the Congress of Commercial Representatives of 16 February 1933 was invited by the Association of Athens to join and our Association. By the Board of Directors, the President and the General Secretary took part. They discussed many useful topics relating to the then Division of Commercial Agents and also the rest agents as they were called then, and who in many cases are concern us till today.


In the decade 1930-1940 there were many unsolved problems in our industry and our representatives then made great efforts to solve the decent reward of service.


Entering the decade of 1940 to 1939 preceded the Second World War and then the system because many of the professional associations have languished. Greece enters the whirlwind of war goes badly heroic and tragic events simultaneously. The people entering the heart of the great famine in 1941. ‘All have waned a moment but our Association did not stop to exist. But the feeling of the life of each member is to come out alive from the specter of death that was at all times present.





Here comes the liberation and reconstruction of the country is essential. All professional associations reapply. The Ministry of Economic Affairs in his letter of September 9, 1947 informed us that the grant was approved in the Commercial Agents Licensing Import – Export. The same document defines mandatory to bring attestation of the Association of Commercial Representatives.


Relations with other Associations are becoming in due course and hotter. It was decided a Panhellenic Conference in which  the Association of Commercial Representatives of Patras  would participate


The Second National Conference Commercial  Representatives held in Thessaloniki in 1962. The Association also took part in the Panhellenic Conference of Kavala and Ioannina. With the new amendment to the Constitution as stated above, is now called TRADE ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRIBUTORS OF WESTERN GREECE as operates today.


Since 1997 is an active member of the Panhellenic Federation of Commercial Agents Import and Export through this part of the National Confederation of Greek Commerce (Ε.Σ.Ε.Ε). Currently involved with four members  to the Federation and to the nine-member Board of the Federation, from the position of Second Vice President and a member of Public Relations. Through our Federation also participates in the World Trade Organisation of Representatives (UCAB), where there may be significant benefits beyond the information already exists for the global commercial interest.


Through this way managed to become law of Greek State the provided from the European legislation the dealer’s compensation


In 1996, in an impressive ceremony the seventy years  were celebrated since its founding.


Watching international developments and with the appropriate national sensibility, in 2001 proceeded to Twinning with Cypriot colleagues, in an also striking and constructive meeting.


The association with the long not politicized line is an example. On this route have been many useful steps to resolve the current problems and with determination we have dealt with.


From the office of President until today served our Association the following remarkable personalities of our city:

K THEODOROU 1926, IL. Dimadis 1927-1935, DION. RAZIS 1936-1940, ANDREAS K0ZAKOS 1944, ANT. PSOMOPOULOS 1945-1946, EM. LOUKAS 1947, ANT. PSOMOPOULOS 1948-1949, Nick. PAPACHRONOPOULOS 1949-1964, AND. MEGARIS 1965-1968, DIM IOANNOU 1969-1970, KON. SKLAVOS 1971, 1972-1974 DIM IOANNOU, AND. MEGARIS 1975 – 1977, George. KONTOGEORGAS 1978-1990, ANAS. PASCHALIS 1990-1996, Ch. ANDRIKOPOULOS 1997-2002, NIK. KOUTSANTONIS 2002-2011, KON / NOS PAPAGIANNOPOULOS 2011-today.


The role of the commercial agent is important in the commercial world, because it is the link that brings the merchant, the craftsman and industrialist in direct contact. It has helped out of his existence and as long as there will always be to the benefit of both.


Within the goals and priorities of the Association is:


  1. The immediate updating of colleagues through an upgraded website and the bidirectional and interactive relationship with them.
  2. Our participation in the Database, created by the World Organization our IUCAB, in which will record all Sales Agents and Distributors (if they desired it), in order to be easilly found by their colleagues are readily available to producers around the world and vice versa to find on they readily prospective partners.
  3. Trying to record all of the sales agents and distributors, who are enrolled in Achaia Chamber and other chambers of our region in our Association, and because of his interest from their participation in the new database.
  4. To make contact with brothers European Union links for better information and solve different problems.